Days 91-94, Tuesday, April 27th-30th, 2013

The last few days have been something of a whirlwind of activity. Gabe was here all weekend, and on Saturday, I met several of his friends and ended up helping plan a kickstarter, shoot a music video, and record an interview, before cramming in a quick supper and making it to the IMAX at the Pacific Science Center to see Oblivion (which actually wasn't bad at all). On Sunday, after we had lunch, Gabe introduced me to more friends, and we had more lunch with them, and before I knew it, it was time for Gabe to head home. I drank entirely too much coffee, and had more social activity in those two days that I have had in the last two months combined. It was a blast, but I was tired by the end of it. It turns out that when you're not used to it, socializing takes a lot of energy. Who knew?

[The musician in question was Leify Green, and if you click the song player at the top of his page to track number 2, you'll hear probably his best known track. Really nice guy, too.]

On Monday, I got up around eight and had assembled breakfast and reading material by about nine, when it occurred to me that I should call my scheduler at the SCCA to see if anything had been tacked on to what I thought would be a pleasantly relaxing day, devoid of medical responsibilities. The response from Anitra, my scheduler, was as follows:

"Uh, yeah, you have a full day and your first appointment is at nine-thirty. You know that we update your schedule on Fridays, right?"

Finishing my yoghurt and trail mix blend as quickly as humanly possible, I threw on pants, brushed my teeth, and Booker T and the MG'd on down to the SCCA (Booker T and the MGs - Green Onions). [Some of you may recognize that track as the sample from Shaggy and Maxi Priest's 'That Girl'.] 

Once there, I had a steady stream of activity until about four pm, but it was all meet'n'greets with my various team members: my pharmacist, nutritionist, social worker, doctor, and dentist. Tuesday was more or less the same sort of experience, all in preparation for Wednesday morning, which dawns with the first of five days of chemotherapy, beginning the march of the conditioning regimen. The sixth day will see me irradiated, and on the Seventh, no rest, but transplant.

As a result, I may be running silent for a while. I'll be back on anti-nauseants, and with a fresh bout of chemo brain, I don't know how much writing I'll be attempting. I promise to try.

Why did the elephant cross the road? He was stapled to the back of the chicken.


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