Monday, September 8th, 2014. Day 6 Hamilton.

Monday, Monday. Dah daaah, dah, dah-dah-dah.

Yes, friends, Monday has come and gone, and it saw me returning to the Lakeview Lodge by about ten AM, in a cab that smelled, well, tangy. You know that tangy cab smell. It is by no means an omnipresent universality that all cabs are subject to, governed by, but we've all been in a cab that had clearly gone a mite too long between detailings, and smelled like old butt. To be clear, I don't mean the butts of the elderly, no, no. I am referring to butt smell that has aged in an ungraceful manner. More of a wine to vinegar sort of thing than, uh, grapes into wine, I guess. 



As much as the bed was a lot nicer at the Days Inn, and the food I had delivered was more interesting than the hospital food that I partake of during my time at the Lodge (which is completely typical of my Canadian hospital food experiences, i.e. terrible), I find that I much prefer it here. My room has an enormous window, for one thing, and there are communal places to go that I am willing to go to, unlike what little space there was for such things at the Days, for another. 

Aside from that, nothing particular of note has occurred. Day three of radiation was another day of side poses, with my left and right arms and legs in opposite positions to Friday's Greek God #1. The lead goggles were still on, the dosimeters were still placed, and the styrofoam was still crammed. They did my feet again, as well. Giggles were had, a wheelchair ride was given.

Have I mentioned that the entire radiative exercise takes place to a best-of-motown soundtrack? Because it does. A dancin'-a in tha stree-eet.

I did what has become my habit here, which is putter around on social media, read a book, and listen to music. If nothing else, this trip will see me make large inroads on my reading list, and continuing the winnowing process on my iTunes music library (It's too large. It just is.).



Want to hear a word I just made up? Plagiarism.


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