Good News, Everyone!
As of nine fifty-eight this morning (March 25th, 2014 CE), I have been given the green light to resume normal social activity! Crowds and the currently ill are no longer considered to be immediate threats to my life, well-being, personal safety, credit rating, facebook status, etc etc, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.
I'm rather enamoured of the news, for two likely rather obvious reasons:
1) It's two full months sooner than I was expecting.
2) Holy crap, am I ever poorly socialized these days. I'm like a homeschooled child making his or her first foray into the world of other people and their ideas, habits, smells, and belief in evolution. "Dinosaurs? You mean faith-testers?"
In related news, I will not be going down to Seattle for my one year follow-up, and my major round of vaccinations will be in July sometime, not in May as I previously thought.
I look forward to seeing you all, during normal evening social hours.
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