Day 4, Friday, February 1st, 2013
Today began at 6:00am, which, while nothing out of the
ordinary for many of you, was somewhat out of the ordinary for me. While I
don't usually sleep the day away, I do often sleep until seven, sometimes eight in the morning. Wild man.
It began so "early" because I had to get up so
that I could eat before the procedure I was set for later in the day, for which
no solid food was allowed a full six hours prior. I got up seven hours prior,
because food. I also had bloodwork at 8:30, where I was to have an IV intalled
for said procedure.
I was early for bloodwork, and got in to see the nurse
early. From that, I was a solid hour early for my dental appointment, and got
in an hour early to see the dental hygienist to fill out some forms. From
there, I was two hours early for my
anaesthetic workup and two and a half hours early for my procedure. I did not
get in early for that. So, Mom and I waited in the aptly named waiting room. We
read, we used the workable hospital wifi: the now rapidly-becoming usual.
The procedure that I was two and a half hours early for was
a lumbar puncture and two, count 'em, two,
bone marrow biopsies and bone marrow aspirations, one each on each ischial
crest (top rear of the pelvis). The team, and the anaesthetic, was good enough
that I actually slept through the lumbar puncture, which was up first. I was
fully conscious for the pelvic pokes, though. While I do not recommend the
experience, it was also not the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
I have forgotten the names of the team that worked on me. I
do recall being told that I likely would, due to anaesthesia, which was either
true, or a self-fulfilling prophecy wherein I actually just didn't log their
names in my brain-meat.
I had an hour of recovery afterwards. The anaesthetic was
set to wear off quickly, and it did, so that I was pretty conscious and
verbose, as usual, fairly quickly. Mom procured food, which I annihilated, and
when we were done, we were allowed to walk home. No stitches, just some big
band-aids and some tylenol.
We walked home, we read, I played some original Legend of
Zelda, we went for pizza again, because it was nearby and I didn't feel much
like meandering in search of new sources of vittles, we returned home, day
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