Oh me, oh my, where to begin?
I am currently on crutches. Have been for two months, thereabouts. The sole of my left foot has long been a complicated region due to my lymphoma. It is usually fairly tender, and in this case, the skin had torn, healed, and torn again, repeatedly, for some time. It got infected. The infectious agent was some good old Staph A, which makes it pernicious and persistent. Essentially, the entire surface of my left heel was/is compromised.
After eleven new doctors and a course of vein-based antibiotics (Anceph), it looked like I was on the mend, but an estimate for recovery time could not be given, due to my immune system complications. A normal body would have recovered in two to three weeks, not so with me. I am forced to admit that I complicated matters by jumping the gun on mobility, hobbling around on the ball of my foot and using it to drive my car, which is a stick-shift. As a direct result, the healing process has become protracted, and I, um, got re-infected.
Now I have Clindamycin. It needs a pump. There's a new doohickey in my arm, I still have the aluminum gibble-sticks, and now, a pump. I am officially a cyborg. I am required to keep my foot elevated and forge myself an ass-groove, which is to say, don't move around. My doctors and nurses were all quite clear on that point, and also in expressing their disappointment in my choices. I have an extended team of moms.
Three more weeks. Maybe. Foot up. I will play a lot of video games.
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