Roentgens for all!

This is an adjunct blog thingy, during which I will chronicle my medical goings on as I deal with what is admittedly a mild form of cancer.

I have Mycosis Fungoides. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I will not be dying from this. But I will be sexily rashed up until I get resolved. Nothing says take me home and ride me around like an unruly stallion like rashy-peelies on random body surfaces.

There are currently no pills. This is nowhere close to normal. Pills are my life. Instead, I shoot up with interferon A thrice weekly. Thrice is a great word. There are also twice-weekly bath PUVA treatments. Twice is not as good a word as thrice.

Shortly, I will start radiation therapy on my left foot. It's troublesome. Getting bombarded with Roentgens is supposed to fix that. If I get super powers, I promise to only abuse them a little bit before I settle down to defend truth, justice, and my right to ignore celebrities.

Transmission end. More to follow.


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